It’s All Where We Look, Where We Focus our Attention and Gratitude Completes the Circuit

And it becomes how we project our intention as well. Over the past year, we have been blessed that a new method of healing has been shown to us. I will not claim to have invented it, far from this, one of the Shining Ones, Freyr, Lord Of Virility and Abundance, also King of the Elves, spoke to me when I saw no clear way forward in a complex case, where there was much venous insufficiency in the legs and the condition was so debilitating that the patient could not stand more than 10 minutes of so. 

The pain was constant and the legs and ankles showed edema (swelling due to fluid retention). The issue was that blood was being pumped to the extremities, but the return circulation, which should have returned deoxygenated blood to the heart for recirculation, was not the same volume as what was pumped all the way to the feet.

The main causes which we consider when this happens is that the veins have collapsed, and often the body makes more veins to compensate, so that in such cases or in a related phenomenon, PCS (pelvic congestion syndrome), the network of veins looks like a complex river delta with myriad branches. The incompetent valves of the remaining veins are not returning the blood as they had done when the circulatory system was in working order.

For such situations, interventional cardiology would involve closing or removing less active veins and trying to identify and perhaps stent open a few viable veins. This is a very costly and drawn out set of operations. For example, which this woman was in mid-fifties, another patient, only 42, has the same challenge, but only told me about it after receiving four treatments in a year from an interventional cardiologist. She reported that even she and her husband’s copays for that year were in the mid five figures and the problem persists.

With this background in mind, you might imagine how shocked I was to be told by Freyr that He would send a team of Dokkaralfar (Dark Elves) to do the surgical work of clearing extraneous veins, removing DVT’s (a type of threatening blood clot often not visible from skin surface) and opening a few viable veins, much as how the legs would have functioned at a much younger age. I was told that this procedure would take around 3 hours. To my great surprise and joy, it did work, exactly as projected. The patient was able to take significant walks after this and to stand without the previous heaviness in legs.

Big Man in Charge…

So, since this case, I’ve found a few other cases over the past year where calling in the Dokkaralfar seemed an appropriate measure. 

A man presented as having too small an ID (interior diameter) of veins, saying that, after much cardiological work, including heart bypass, his veins were too small to use for any further bypass surgery.

After, in his case, an hour and a half conched out with the elves working on him, the man reported that he’d seen their faces, had them dance around him, and that this was nothing new, because like everyone else, he’s ’a healer.’ 

The elves and Freyr did not say that no work would be done unless there was a gift left for Them. Even so, being aware of customs in Northern countries, I knew that it was customary to put out a ramican of milk (or cream) and honey to show appreciation for their work. The experience of and expression of gratitude, not the attitude of “just another supernatural encounter, ho hum…” served to complete the circuit, to generate closure for the healing, and the lady who had the Work done in her legs was grateful and expressed this to them. My sense is that the healing will prove much less effective in the man who did not, as They, the Gods and Goddesses, do not force healing onto us. In this man’s case, the attention was on the Big Man on Campus type of response, where nothing is new, delightful, or amazing to him. The intention was divided, wanting relief from the disorder, but also wanting to be in control, and, of course, when a God or Goddess gives us a paranormal healing, we cannot be the ‘big man’ or in charge.

Looking Backward, Magnifying every Hurt, rather than forward with Hope

My next recent case involved not Elvin surgeons helping us, but the blessed intervention of a God and two Goddesses, Who helped during a voyage of soul retrieval. The lady had been haunted by many persons, throughout life, by many oppressors and abusers. She is a person with good energy and no doubt predators or parasites had at many times taken some of that energy. When this loss is internalized and becomes the new normal, the assumption of a loss of self-image or a loss of function, this is the predators or parasites, i.e., the Takers, having taken soul fragments.

On a voyage of reintegration, the God and two Goddesses stopped the Takers, some still here, some having passed on, and caused them to return these soul fragments to her. She expressed having a great sense of relief, as if a burden had been lifted from her. I was hopeful that this liberation from internalized oppression would result in permanent increase in life satisfaction.

I did not hear from her for a few days. Then I was having supper with a relation who commented that, “She felt great the first three days after you worked with her, but the past few days, she has been going back to all the issues.” I was reminded of Janus, the Roman God, who looks forward and backward at the same time, as symbolic of options open to all of us.

OCD can take many forms, including an obsession with events in one’s own life. I don’t know that this is what is taking place here. I’d have difficulty telling you events in my life with some specificity, sometimes having to go back to look it up, like “in 19__ I was on a flight to _____ air base”- well maybe its ARMD, but I’d like to think it’s too many events between now and then- that time and its events simply lost their importance to me. To her, every hurt, every betrayal, every damage done was precious and should be pored over, again and again. 

It’s always a choice with a healing, especially one that occurs in one’s memories and perspectives. One can always build on the Release that the Shining Ones provided (she reported seeing Them and the occurrences of the soul retrieval vividly as we debriefed afterward), OR one can turn away from the Light toward which They liberated you and turn back to obsession with the darkest corners of the closet, which had already been swept clean. 

They do not recreated for you a different past, a different already-lived reality. They do help you to re-experience it as simply wrecked landscapes seen in the lifemobile’s rear view mirror as you drive forward, if the person lets the experience guide them.I guess this is a reminder that, in our type of healing, the person must simply be willing to receive it: the Shining Ones do not force Their blessings onto us, but the will to receive, the willingness not to be the one in charge, the willingness to look and will oneself forward, is more difficult than one might think.

2 responses to “It’s All Where We Look, Where We Focus our Attention and Gratitude Completes the Circuit”

  1. I have been both humbled and honored to have the Dökkálfar heal my vascular system. I would love to get to know them better. I suppose that will come with time. It has been 10 months since the healing mentioned above, and the pain has not returned. I have plenty of other challenges, but PCS is not one of them. I still worry a little about DVT in my right leg, but that could just be my paranoia.
    Is it possible that some people relive pain because some part of it remains unprocessed? I ask because I’ve been in that situation. Often, well-meaning people blamed me for the pain I was experiencing. Fortunately, much of that pain has healed. Reflecting on the years of turmoil I endured before experiencing more complete healing, I believe that much of the discomfort was due to the need for deeper healing or a different approach.
    Of course, some people embrace their pain as a focal point in their lives, sometimes deriving something they don’t want to give up. From my perspective, it felt more like a pain I couldn’t shake. One unexpected form of healing was noticing the pattern of pain in my life. Over time, I realized that the lack of love in my childhood family led me to overwork and be overly dedicated in an effort to form a surrogate family. This realization helped me see that I was attracting people who would use me, leading to more misery.
    When I recognized the pattern, I could step out of the cycle and set healthy boundaries. As a result, people stopped using me and even began to appreciate my contributions. This was a significant step toward leaving the pain behind.

    • Laurie,Thanks for your reflectsions, from the patient’s perspective, of the healing process. We do not always manifest what we want, but I think that the thought forms that we hold, our expectations, do attract certain types of experiences to us. You were looking for a way out of pain and toward greater functionality, so your intention guided you toward those ends. That part is hard for the Tietaja to control, although we are certainly both willing and trained to do the non-consulting to help lead persons who seem to lack direction toward healing to develop the mental attitude complementary to that end.

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