Six supplements that help and Six additives or environmental toxins to avoid. GABA, Bacopa Monnieri, Nattokinase, PQQ, Nicotinamide riboside, and… One perspective is that, especially with males, that with aging, the emptying of the bladder is incomplete. The bladder then… By Lori Kiersten You’re about to have surgery, or you just did. You already know that life is going to… This challenge probably comes up with all manner of energetic or alternative healers, not just the more methodically trained shamans…. This is a common enough complaint to warrant a separate discussion. There are actually medical studies which define it According… I was Working with a patient yesterday who had right shoulder pain. Indeed, the shoulder did show frontal displacement- when… Dr. Thomas Seyfried: Turmeric Starves Cancer Dr. William Li: Starving Cancer: A Surprising Treatment to Reverse Aging & Prevent… Every third or fourth person over forty who seeks a shamanic consultation asks about losing weight. In some cases, their… As Tietaja or Teutonic Healers, we try to mediate with Higher powers, Gods and Goddesses, on behalf of persons who… There is no really direct way with our techniques to dampen the whooshing, ringing, or other annoying noises involved with…
Healing the Aging Brain;
Two Approaches to (ED) Erectile Dysfunction and Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)
The Real Pre-Op Surgery Guide
Requisite Shamanic Mindset: Humility before the Facts
Let’s Talk AboutChronic Pain
Fatty Liver, a Hidden Disorder that Often does not Show up on Tests but is Serious
Avoiding and Fighting the Big C: Diet, Herbs, etc.
Weight Loss- the Perennial Quest- a few Simple Thoughts
Closing the Loop
Tinnitus- Over half my clients over Fifty Have It