by Greg Rowe July 25, 2021 After we had walked the circuit of the fire, tossing in those things we want… by Greg Rowe May 10, 2021 Peeling the Onion on Health Challenges I was going over a few cases we’d… by Greg Rowe April 25, 2021 Anyone who deals with people on a regular basis, whether as a salesman, a customer… by Greg Rowe August 31, 2021 I must share this with readers of this blog while the memory is fresh. Let… by Greg Rowe April 4, 2021 “It Doesn’t Last” and other Unrealistic Expectations Attached to Shamanism Let me begin by… by Greg Rowe March 22, 2021 It has become as fashionable as having a personal trainer for an accomplished, well-rounded, or…
While Sitting Around a Midsummer’s Fire with Friends
Peeling the Onion- Health Challenges and their Origins
A Shaman’s Tool: Intuition
The Making of a True Shaman, Standing in both Worlds, and all Times
I Tried it, but it Doesn’t Last
Past Life “Regression”- Real Recovery or Entertainment?